• Dec 12 Mon 2011 08:27
  • chorus

This Sat. afternoon, I went to the chrismas celebration of Northern America Taiwanese Women Association.

Listening to the chorus that the organnization  invited sang some chrismas songs and jazz.

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  • Nov 21 Mon 2011 04:09
  • SNOW

It snowed this Thursday afternoon around 4:30 p.m. even if it only 10 minutes.

When I went to school on Friday morning, there was some snow on the grass of the sidewalk.

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昨天到阿姨家去吃飯  回家時又給了我好些東西帶回來 

重點不在於東西的價值 而是給的心意

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很讚的一首歌 現在才發現!!


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after coming canada, a fruit which becomes my favorite  is blueberry!!

in Taiwan, i only saw blueberry jams, nerver saw a real blueberry.

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七月底去看了有名的caribana parade


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finally ... i got 2 teachers' photo from my friend's fb

they are James and Matthew

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8/1  is TORONTO civic holiday.

國慶日 還有聽過...至於市民節...i don't know what it is...

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Actually, I like Tuesday more than Friday because there is no homework on the weekend. Friday is always a game day for vocabulary class. For me…remembering 40words per week is not a difficult thing, but how to use them is a problem. Using words like a Canadian…I still have to learn about it.

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不懂...真的很不懂  這些外國人到底在想什麼??

listening 不過就一個game  比看哪一組聽到比較多的字

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underprivileged  就是這個字

今天讓我唸了半天  就是沒法很順地唸它!!

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來這兒住一個多月了  今天終於心血來潮 把現在住的阿姨家拍了照

真的很喜歡這樣的生活環境  尤其backyard!!

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7/1 was canada day!! we got a 3-day weekend.

there was a gay parade in toronto...but i didn't see it!!

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原以為 會有很多時間  讓我更新BLOG的...結果 並沒有!!

這二星期 課大多固定了 但課後作業似乎出乎預期之外  花了我不少時間

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上週  又跑去試聽JAMES的單字課

果真 上他的課 是有壓力的那種...不論哪堂課!!

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